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To Tuesday Magazine

The Underside of Plants

Flower Mills

Butterflies after a free lunch

All plants have flowers; most flowers are pretty and aromatic, and everybody wants pretty things that smell good. We want them for decorations and our own petty amusement. But at what price?

Love for Sale

Plants Crowded into a Seedy Place

In any city in our 'civilized' world, you will find seedy hothouses like this. These beautiful young flowers will be used and then carelessly thrown away.

Plants offered for sale on a side street

Potted and sold on the street.

Trans Plants: It's Raining Rain!

Pistol? Stamen? Bees? With all the conflicting information out there, it is no wonder why there are so many confused members of the plant species.

Plants in varying sized pots.

Identity challenged plants: most plant experts now agree that some plants are born naturally 'butch' and that to force on them frilly and frivolous surroundings are doing more harm than good.

What am I?

Plants with leaves that look like flowers. Now we see a poor confused plant that has disguised its leaves as flowers. Maybe it feels that it somehow must adjust its outer persona to meet some artificial construct of our society.

Don't Eat So Many Oats

A message from Horses Who Like Oats