January 2019totuesdaymagazine

A Typical Racist Family

By Irwin Conway

January 2019

Today I went inside the home of a racist family. They insisted that I not use their names or print their pictures. Furthermore, I will not repeat any of their disgusting racist views. I fully understand that this is a tender subject.

To Tuesday Magazine does not condone discrimination based on race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation. (Except for the 'you-know-whos'.)

I arrived at the bigot's house in the late evening. It was just about time for the young ones to get to sleep. (They are cute when they are so little.) The mother was insisting that they go to bed immediately. They need a lot of rest for a full day at their racist schools. Dinner had been eaten, and all the dirty plates and knives were washed, dried, and put away. It was a clean house. I was surprised that it was so clean.

The father says that they enjoy watching TV and occasionally will go to see a movie in one of the many local theaters. Often, they will enjoy a meal at an ethnically-themed family restaurant. Every Sunday, they go to church. They are a tight-knit bunch who tend to look down on other families. That is typical of these types.

"Did you see what kind of dog [the family down the street] has?" One of them might say.

"Yeah. That's a stupid kind of dog to have," says another.

"What would you expect?"

They watched me closely the whole time I was in the house. It was like they expected me to grab stuff and make a run for it if they ever lost sight of me for more than a few seconds.