January 2019totuesdaymagazine

Reported UFO Interview Sighting

By Salvador Norris Horne

January 2019

I sat down for an interview with Ricardo Harley Burt. He is the most prolific UFO photographer in the world, but getting details about him is like trying to find Bigfoot. Ask someone and they seem to know nothing about the guy, but at the same time, they make a few cryptic remarks that lead you to think that they know everything. Then, they'll deny it.

He may be famous, but the details of his career are fuzzy. There's a lot of stories floating around, but the truth is hard to filter out. He's been described as "triangular in shape and pulsating with different colored lights", but that turned out not to be the case. He's kind of an average looking person.

He is younger than middle age, and he has taken photos of UFOs for many years. He claims to have taken some of the most iconic UFO pictures on record. "Remember that weird circular blob hanging over the Grand Canyon? That was mine." I didn't remember that. Perhaps my brain was tampered with. I never thought of that.

After many years of searching, I finally tracked him down. Several people had reported seeing him in town. The police dismissed the reports as mass hallucinations, but I had a hunch that this was the guy I was looking for.

We met each other in a local dining establishment. The owner will swear that we were never there. I was not allowed to take pictures and the only photo that we have is one taken by Mr. Burt himself in his own trademark style.

We talked for several hours and drank several beers. It was an experience that I will never forget. It wasn't until he departed that I discovered that my recorder had malfunctioned. I didn't have a record of our meeting, just the one blurry photograph.

It turns out that we hadn't talked about anything consequential. I was under the impression that I was giving a probing and revealing interview, but in reality, it was only chit chat. Perhaps my memory has been altered.