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To Tuesday Magazine

The world has become a scary and dangerous place. I wonder if it is just me. People everywhere are angry and worried, but it seems like I am the only one who is scared to death.

Scary, Furry Creatures of Metal

Images from science fiction movie poster. Everywhere I look there is horror and bloodshed, and it's not just on the news. Things have escaped from the TV and the movie screens. They have become real. People used to watch these things in movie houses because it was 'fun'. People also watched crime dramas to learn more clever ways to kill each other.

Picture of scary movie posters.

"...spacemen, aliens, and robots hide around every corner..."

Picture of scary ads on sides of buses.

"Then I saw the worst one of all."

The Human Caterpillar!

Picture of a lady piggybacked on herself 5 times.

I see strange creatures everywhere. Ninjas and communist pandas come rolling around on the sides of fuming city busses, while spacemen, aliens, and robots hide around every corner. They are on billboards and the sides of buildings. I can't go anywhere.